Frequently asked list for EuroQuick Converter

Q: How do I access the options? 
A: On the right of the main window, there is an "Opt" button, that leads you to the options 

Q: How do I know what is my default currency? 
A: On the right of the main window, just below the "opt" button, there is written currency symbol (DEM = DeutchE Mark) 

Q: How do I select the default currency? 
A: On the "Options" window, on the lower half of the window, click on the table containing the currencies. Select the currency that you want to be your default (just click on the currency row). Now, double-click the row. The window informing you about the change will appear. 

Q: How do I add the new currency? 
A: On the "Options" windows, go to the end of the currency table. There is one blank row. Click on that row, and enter necesary data. (Symbol, Description and value). Now, you have one more currency. You can repeat this process to add more currencies.

Q: My trial period expired; what should I do?
A: You should go to our web site ( and select Register Now
option! After your payment is processed, you will get registration code via email. This code you will enter into the program, and your program will become registered.